Monthly Archives: November 2011

November 2011 Career Conference Results

We just completed the November 2011 Career Conference this week.  43 candidates and 10 spouses and support team members attended the conference, and all candidates have multiple companies pursuing them into the follow-up process.  The candidates interviewed with an average of 12.7 companies and averaged 8.6 companies pursuing them for a 67% pursuit rate, resulting in one of the best conferences we have had in recent years.  The ratio of opportunities to candidates at this conference was  approximately 2:1.  The entire Cameron-Brooks team congratulates the November conference candidates on their first step in their transition to the business world. Continue reading

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Filed under Career Preparation, Conference

The Economy, Preparation, and the November 2011 Career Conference

The Cameron-Brooks team and the November 2011 Career Conference JMO candidates will arrive in Austin, TX this Friday to kick off our fifth and final Conference of the year.  As we make final preparations for the conference, I wanted to share some thoughts heading into the Conference.

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Filed under Career Preparation, Conference, Economy