Daily Archives: August 3, 2012

Updates to the Cameron-Brooks Resource Center

We’ve recently made some additions to our Candidate Resource Center I wanted to make everyone aware of. In our “Learning Library” tab, under the section “Transition & Career Guidance”, we’ve added several videos that will be of interest to our candidates.

First, we’ve added two series of three-part videos addressing both men’s and women’s interview attire. We wanted to provide a visual reference to what Roger Cameron already describes in PCS to Corporate America and what my colleagues Joel Junker and Samantha Vanover added in past blog posts which can be accessed below:

Interview Attire for the Male JMO to Business Transition

Interview Attire for the Female JMO to Business Transition

The videos cover all aspects of interview attire and we hope it will provide additional clarification and clarity for when candidates go shopping for their interview wardrobe.

Additionally, in the same section, we’ve added several videos covering some very common interview questions a JMO can expect to be asked during their interviews – Tell me about yourself, Walk me through your resume, and Why are you leaving the military? During a recent interview preparation workshop in San Antonio, Joel videotaped the candidates sharing their answers and provided feedback and instruction to their responses.  They are an excellent reference to hear your peers share their answers and hear feedback to help you develop your responses to these same questions.

Stay tuned to the Candidate Resource Center as we are continually working to update it with new content to help candidates prepare for a successful transition to Corporate America.

Rob Davis

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Filed under Career Management, Career Preparation, Interview tips