Holiday Greetings from the Cameron-Brooks Team

This Holiday Season, we take a moment to reflect on 2013 and consider 2014. As we do so, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with such a fantastic group of officers, alumni and client companies. Our mission is to serve others to help them reach their potential and dreams. We have been able to do that this year and look forward to continuing to fulfill our mission in 2014. We also take a moment to especially thank the men and women who are serving overseas. We recognize that it is difficult to be away from family and friends during this time of year, but are thankful for your sacrifice.

We hope that this season is a time of rest and reflection, and pray that 2014 brings success and prosperity.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Cameron-Brooks team!

Chuck, Joel, Mary Lou, Rob, Pete, Lauren, Aimee, Danielle, Leslie, Debbie, Josie, Candy, Wade, Michelle, Rachel, Diana, Bernadette, Janis and Pam

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