Tag Archives: future

Burning the Ships

If you’ve followed our blog or perhaps attended one of our information meetings or webcasts, we talk a lot about our client companies looking for candidates who have both the ability and desire to become a top leader in commercial business.  One of my colleagues, Chuck Alvarez, came up with a great analogy to explain how our client companies look at a potential candidate’s desire when it comes to a career in business and I thought it would be appropriate to share it with you here. 

If you recall the story of when Cortez came to the New World, the first thing he did upon landing ashore was to burn every last ship signifying to his people that there were no alternatives other than moving forward on their quest.  This is how our client companies want to see JMOs pursuing the business world.  They want to know that the candidates they interview have looked at all the potential career alternatives (defense contractor, FBI, GS level jobs, law school, etc) but in the end have “burned the ships” and their only desired direction is to move forward toward a career in business.  

If we look at it from their perspective, it makes sense.  When our client companies attend one of our career conferences, they are immediately investing time and money in addition to the expenses they incur to bring a candidate onsite for follow up interviews.  But more important to them is the investment they will make over the long term taking someone who has virtually zero experience in the business world and developing them into a key leader within their company. 

Our client companies view Cameron-Brooks as a strategic source of leadership talent.  They come to us looking to find key leaders for the long term success of their organization and they simply cannot afford to miss.  It costs a company approximately $65k if a new hire leaves within the first six months, and that does not include that individual’s compensation.  That figure also does not capture the lost opportunity cost of having to start the search all over again.  With nearly 30 million people in senior leadership positions projected to retire over the next five years, the time for companies to find their replacements is now. 

Here is another way to look at it.   Let’s say I decided that I wanted to leave the business world.  We sit down for an interview to potentially join your unit and you ask me why I’m considering returning to military service.  I begin by telling you that I’m tired of all the travel, I don’t like wearing a suit, etc.  I also tell you that in addition to the military, I’m considering other alternatives such as being a GS level employee, working for the FBI, or teaching at local university.  From your perspective, how excited would you be to have me join your unit? My guess is you would politely thank me for my time and escort me out of your office. Why?  Because I haven’t convinced you of my desire to serve in the military or provided any evidence of commitment on my part.

 At Cameron-Brooks, we recognize you have options.  You only get one shot to leave the military and you owe it to yourself and your family to do your diligence.  We represent one path of leaving the service and our client companies want candidates who are committed to that path.  No matter what career path you ultimately decide to pursue, to be truly successful will require both a burning desire and willingness to burn the other ships.

Rob Davis

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Holiday Wishes From Cameron-Brooks

As one year concludes and another begins, we are thankful for this opportunity to slow the pace and reflect on the many blessing that have come our way over the past 12 months.  We are constantly encouraged by our family and friends, among those being our Junior Officer candidates, our Alumni and the companies for whom we recruit.  Thank you for being part of our lives, and allowing us to be part of yours.

Above all, we want to thank our heroic men and women who continue to serve in our Armed Forces.  We are grateful for your continued unselfish service, and your willingness to put yourself in Harm’s Way for the good of this great country.  Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and our gratitude for all you do and all you are is exceeded only by our undying admiration.  We are especially humbled and filled with thankful appreciation for those men and women – Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines alike – who have paid the ultimate price and given their lives so that we, and many other nations around the world, may live our lives in peace.  We continue to pray for the families of our fallen comrades, and wish them peace in knowing that their lives were not given in vain. 

2010 has brought us an improvement in the economy and in our hope for the future – a veritable light at the end of a dark and cloudy tunnel.  The past challenges have only served to make us stronger and we have weathered the storms and formed more cohesive bonds with our fellow man, making a more concerted effort to serve others, be a friend, and step forth with a strong and positive outlook for the years to come.

We continue to be touched and inspired by the youth of our nation, in big cities and rural communities alike, who continue to lift their heads with pride, with hands over hearts, and recite The Pledge, sing the National Anthem, and salute the Flag our military personnel from all corners of the world have fought and died to support.  We see in this new generation a love of country and a strong resolve they have not yet even begun to fully know, but is there nonetheless.  The outlook for this country is a bright one.

In this season of Perpetual Hope, we are encouraged by the prospect of a brand new day, renewed dedication to a more productive existence, and the refusal to accept the status quo, surrounding ourselves with the types of people and situations that make our lives prosperous, fulfilled and content, just as they were intended to be. 

We thank you all for the opportunity to help us live our dreams as we help you live yours.  We wish you the very best, not just today and through the Holiday Season, but throughout the New Year!

The Cameron-Brooks Team

 Roger, René, Mary Lou, Chuck, Joel, Rob, Janis, Candy, Michelle, Karena, Leslie, Bernadette, Danielle, Pam, Debbie, Diana, Alysha, Lisa and Carole

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