Tag Archives: November Career Conference

November 2010 Cameron-Brooks Conference Results

We completed the November 2010 Career Conference this past week.  45 candidates and 13 spouses attended the Conference, and all candidates have multiple companies pursuing them into the follow up process.  The candidates interviewed with an average of 12 companies and averaged 7 companies pursuing them for a 58% pursuit rate, a very successful Conference.  The entire Cameron-Brooks team congratulates the November Conference candidates on a major step in their transitions.

Statistically it takes an average of 18 working days for the Cameron-Brooks candidates to conduct their follow-up interviews, earn their offer(s), and make their career decision.  I read recently that it is taking the average job seeker over 9 months to conduct a job search.  Why does the Cameron-Brooks process take 18 days?  We have had over 45 years to perfect it.  We know how to work with the companies and the candidate to set up the interviews, manage the logistics, and prepare candidates for successful follow-up interviewing.  We are in close contact with the candidates and the companies every step of the way, and it is common for us to talk to a candidate every day in the follow-up process.  This allows candidates to conduct a true career search to evaluate their options and make a good career decision that lines up with their terminal leave start date or separation date from the military.

The common theme heard from company recruiters was that they wanted development candidates who had both the ability and the desire for at least two promotions above the position for which they were recruiting.  A Cameron-Brooks alumnus who transitioned to a logistics company 18 years ago, and is now a General Manager with that company, ruled out several candidates who could easily be successful as an Operations Manager because he did not see the candidates as having the abilities for the more senior positions beyond it.  Another Cameron-Brooks alumni recruiter who is an Area Vice President of a leading medical device company told me that his company has many open positions that they want to fill, but they needed strong sales candidates who could also some day manage regional sales territories.  Finally, a Director of Human Resources for a leading consumer paints and coatings company said her company recently conducted their long-term succession plan, and realized the need for talent to enter into the organization as logistics and manufacturing team leaders and in several years progress to be plant managers, warehouse managers and hold other key positions both domestically and internationally.  The good news is that the opportunities Cameron-Brooks represent allow our candidates the opportunity for future promotion and growth, but this also means that our clients have a high bar.  They want candidates who have a track record of success over many years that demonstrate future success, as well as the attitude/desire to take on the tough challenges and assignments their career.

The November Conference was a special conference for me as I recently transitioned from working primarily with our client companies to partnering with our JMO candidates.  I had met personally or spoken with the majority of the candidates attending the Conference.  I compliment the November Candidates and their spouse support team members for their intense focus at the Conference and the investment they put in prior to the Conference.  I asked many of them on what advice they would give to others about preparation and about the Conference itself.  The common theme about preparation was to read the books in the Reading Program, and take as much time as possible to practice interview answers with other Cameron-Brooks Candidates either personally or using Skype Video.  The advice they gave about the Conference was to work as a team.  They passed on information on how to prepare for an interview as well as provided words of encouragement.

Whether you are merely contemplating a transition from military to business or are preparing for your transition, the end of the year is a great time to start setting goals, gather research and develop a plan of action.  The November Candidates all would tell you that you cannot start your preparation too early, nor can you attend a Cameron-Brooks career transition presentation or a Personal Marketability Assessment too early.  Cameron-Brooks recruiters will be traveling to San Diego, CA; El Paso, TX; Killeen, TX; Tacoma, WA; Colorado Springs, CO; Norfolk, VA; Groton, CT; Fort Walton Beach, FL; Fayetteville, NC; and Jacksonville, FL between now and the end of the year.  If you cannot make one of these visits, we also offer weekly live and recorded Webcasts on, “Considering a Business Career?  What You Should Know,” and we can conduct phone and Skype Video personal sessions.  Take control of your career, set a goal, develop a plan of action, prepare, and when you do you will reduce the variability in your results and reach your goals.

Joel Junker

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Videos from Cameron-Brooks November 2009 Conference

You can visit our Facebook website and watch videos of  JMOs who attended our November 2009 Conference.  They provide advice on how to approach the Cameron-Brooks Reading Program, and Development and Preparation Program, and timing for starting your evaluation and preparation.  They also share insights about the Conference and the companies with which they interviewed.  We have received comments from candidates and spouses/signficant others that they found the videos insightful and valuable.

Go to:  http://tinyurl.com/dfqoq4

Joel Junker

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